When you are facing a criminal charge, you have the option to simply plead guilty to the charge and accept your conviction. This can have many consequences, such as jail time, a fine, probation, and other penalties like restitution and a damaged social and professional reputation.
You have another option, and that option is to work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight the charge in court. Your lawyer can use the available evidence and relevant facts about the case to demonstrate that you are not guilty of the offense.
You have civil rights during your arrest and at every stage of the criminal justice process that follows. Your lawyer can defend these rights and potentially use any rights violations that occurred as part of your defense strategy. For example, if law enforcement submits evidence to support a charge that was collected without a valid search warrant, that evidence may be deemed inadmissible in court, weakening the prosecution’s case. Your lawyer can also coach you on how to respond to questions during the discovery process and how to conduct yourself in court, which can help you defend your case.
Our team works with individuals facing a variety of criminal charges, including:
We work with individuals facing misdemeanor and felony charges. Misdemeanor charges are for less severe criminal offenses, like theft of low value items and simple assault. Typically, penalties for these charges are fines up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail. Felony charges are reserved for more severe offenses, like murder and the trafficking of large amounts of illegal drugs. A felony conviction can mean a prison sentence of 10 years or longer, possibly the remainder of the defendant’s life and a fine that can be up to $20,000.
Remember, a criminal charge is not a conviction. You are innocent until you are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by the court. Your lawyer’s job is to show the court that you are not guilty. Ideally, your legal defense strategy will lead to your charge being dropped, but it can also lead to a reduced charge or a reduced sentence for you. Depending on your charge and previous criminal record, your lawyer can potentially get you into a pretrial diversion program.
Contact our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys at Comunale Law Office today to schedule your initial legal consultation with us. We can answer any questions you have and walk you through the criminal justice process to give you a realistic expectation for your case’s progress. Investing in an experienced lawyer is an investment in your future liberty and social reputation.
Our personal injury lawyers at Comunale Law Office have litigated for their clients that have suffered from injuries from vehicle accidents, hazardous products, medical malpractice and dangerous job conditions successfully gaining compensation for any losses.
If you have been charged with a crime in the Dayton area, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. The attorneys at Comunale Law Office fight to defend the rights of our clients. We have built our reputation on getting results.