Ohio does allow the carrying of a concealed weapon for registered adults, but they also take violations of concealed weapons laws seriously. A conviction for concealed carry violations can result in being banned from owning or possessing firearms for the rest of a person’s life. If you or someone you know has questions about Ohio conceal and carry laws or has been accused of violating these laws, it is critical that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney straight away. At Comunale Law Office, our knowledgeable defense attorneys are prepared to zealously defend your rights and freedoms. To learn more, call or contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Ohio Conceal and Carry Laws

Ohio law does allow for adults ages 21 years and older to obtain a conceal and carry license for firearms, also known as the Ohio Concealed Handgun License (CHL). In order to obtain a CHL, a person must meet the following requirements: 

  • Be a permanent resident,
  • At least 21 years old,
  • Be a resident for at least 45 days in Ohio and in the county where the permit application is made,
  • Complete eight hours of firearms training,
  • Meet federal gun permit requirements,
  • Do not have a suspended conceal and carry permit in another state,
  • Not be a fugitive from justice,
  • Not have a history of being charged or under indictment for falsifying a handgun license, felony offenses, drug offenses, or domestic violence crimes,
  • Not have any active restraining orders, and
  • Pay the permit fee

Violations of Conceal and Carry Laws

Although Ohio does allow for concealed weapons, violations of the conceal and carry laws come with strict and severe penalties. Simply carrying a handgun without a permit or with an expired permit is a first-degree misdemeanor offense that comes with up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Illegally carrying a loaded handgun elevates the penalties to a fourth-degree felony, which can include between six and 12 months in prison along with a $2,500 fine. Failing to notify police during a traffic stop of a concealed weapon, even if the weapon is lawfully permitted, can result in an automatic misdemeanor offense. 

In addition to these penalties, a conviction for a violation of conceal and carry laws results in a permanent criminal record that will show up on every background check for jobs, schooling, and housing. For felony offenses, a person may be restricted in their ability to vote, hold public office, and possess other firearms for the rest of their life. Conceal and carry violations can result in the loss of a job and additional burdens on the family if a person is required to serve prison time for their crime. To learn more about the potential penalties for a conceal and carry crime in Ohio, talk to a lawyer today.

Call or Contact Our Office

 Do you have questions about conceal and carry laws in Ohio? If so, the experienced lawyers at the Comunale Law Office are here to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a consultation of your case.